Sep 19, 2023

Congratulations to the Inaugural Class of the MSDA Course!


The commencement ceremony for the inaugural class of the Master of Social Development and Administration (MSDA) course was held at the Magnolia Hall of the Chapel House on September 19, 2023.
The ceremony was preceded by a pipe organ performance by a student of the Organist Guild, then the Dean of the MSDA course, Professor Osa, Professor Kuramoto, Associate Professor Nakano, the MSDA staff,the graduating class of 2023, and graduating students’ families and friends attended the ceremony. We were surprised to have the Ambassador of the Independent State of Samoa as our guest.
The MSDA course was launched in September 2021, and seven students from Burundi, Gambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Samoa, and China came to Rikkyo University to start their graduate work. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no one could attend classes on campus at the beginning. Finally, in May 2022, all
students could study together in a classroom. During the tough time, the class of 2023 built a strong relationship, and will hopefully cherish the global
friendship after completing their studies.
We extend our best wishes for their continued success in the future!

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