Sep 14, 2024
African Party 2024

On September 13, the Master of Social Development and Administration (MSDA) Course in the Graduate School of Social Design Studies hosted the second African Party. Every year, the MSDA Course accepts students from various African countries. The African Party is a cultural exchange event launched by the MSDA Course last year to provide a better understanding of various African countries. Professor Yukiko Kuramoto organized this event, and the MSDA students from Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ghana introduced their countries' history, geography, culture, society, food, and more. More than thirty attendees listened to each presenter's talk and gazed intently at the slides depicting each country's attractions and the people's vibrant lifestyles. Following the engaging talks, Mariko Tsutsumi, a GLAP senior student, shared her invaluable experience as a UN Youth Volunteer in Ghana last year.
Moreen Ampumuza, a Ugandan MSDA student, had the honor of closing the event with a singing performance. Her soulful voice resonated through the room as everyone absorbed the powerful message conveyed in her song.
Moreen Ampumuza, a Ugandan MSDA student, had the honor of closing the event with a singing performance. Her soulful voice resonated through the room as everyone absorbed the powerful message conveyed in her song.